Retired Corporal James "Jim" Biever was a dedicated Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) Officer for 25 years. He served the PSP with pride, honor and integrity, inspiring many that he crossed paths with. Jim understood the value that policing had in its communities, and believed wholeheartedly in the work of state and local police officers.  

In May of 2020, Jim was diagnosed with Stage IV Cancer and given a more limited timeframe on his life than he anticipated. With this time, he had hoped to begin a foundation that supported a police and community alliance in Lebanon County, especially in a time that desperately called for unity and trust. He began the discussion with his friends and family, but shortly after, his illness worsened. Realizing that his prognosis was short, he worked fast to create a facet of what he had envisioned part of his foundation to carry out- The Biever Family Police Scholarship Fund- in the hopes of aiding Lebanon County Police Departments and the cadets who are receiving training through the Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission (MPOETC). Jim passed away on August 12th, 2020, but was able to see his vision come to fruition as the plans were finalized days prior to his death.

It is with great pride that we honor Jim's legacy by carrying out the work that he started.